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New Device Trains Your Lungs to Breathe Better — Even Asthmatics & Ex-Smokers Can Finally Take a Big Breath of Air!
Over 1.5 Million People Globally Are Now Breathing Better Thanks To 'The Breather'
  • 109,219 Views | Written By Tracy Walters 
"I have been using the Breather for 2 weeks & I must say it has already made a BIG difference in my breathing! I am sooo happy I found this device! I would definitely recommend trying it!..." - Mari P.
Long-term exposure to certain irritants that are taken into the lungs can have lasting effects, even after the exposure ends.
If you’re one of the 48 million people who suffer from a lung condition like asthma or COPD, you know it’s positively miserable.
Particles in the air from many sources can cause these lung issues. These sources include factories, smokestacks, exhaust, fires, mining, construction, and agriculture. The smaller the particles are, the more damage they can do to the lungs.

Common issues relating to respiratory damage can be present as:

- Coughing
- Phlegm and mucus buildup 
- Shortness of breath, which often gets worse with activity
- Chest tightness
- Abnormal breathing patterns

If you have any of these issues you will know how unbearable life can be

Is this a way to live?

Of course not. But fortunately for those millions who suffer daily, a recent breakthrough is changing all that.

Doctors have now confirmed the power of respiratory muscle training (RMT) to help people with lung conditions breathe freely again — from asthma to COPD and even ex-smokers — and finally enjoy all the benefits that deep, healthy breathing provides.

RMT is like weight training for your respiratory system, giving you stronger breathing muscles — By strengthening your breathing muscles, this natural technique helps you enjoy deeper, fuller, and clearer breathing. Your airways become more effective at bringing in oxygen and keeping your airways open and free of gunk, like phlegm and other respiratory blockages.
The only problem? RMT has been difficult to self-administer… until now.

The Breather is an award-winning RMT device that helps you “retrain” your lungs to breathe better. It can easily be used from the comfort of your own home and is also perfect if you have kids or grandkids with asthma. 
They’ve become a life-saver for people with respiratory issues… but also including smokers and even athletes. The US Special forces trainees actually use the Breather to give them an edge when training.

In fact, it’s become so popular they’ve already sold more than 1.5 million of them and have over 5,000+ positive reviews! — If you haven’t already heard about it, you will soon.
What Is The Breather, exactly?
The Breather is a handheld breathing training (RMT) system invented by Peggy Nicholson, a cardiopulmonary therapist who spent more than 40 years developing and testing it.
Think of Breather as a home gym for your lungs and airways. By applying different levels of resistance, you can retrain your respiratory system to take deeper, fuller breaths.

“As a new therapist back in the ‘70s, I wanted to give my patients more than basic exercise routines,” she says of her invention. “So I started researching for a better solution.”

The result is the first-ever breathing training system for people with lung conditions — from asthmatics to smokers and anyone who wants to improve their breathing.

Peggy worked alongside top doctors and pulmonologists to create The Breather.
She had a simple goal: Help people breathe better. If you’re one of the millions of people who’ve felt the terrifying feeling of wheezing and gasping for breath — yet simply can’t fill your lungs — your respiratory system may be in dire need of a new training program.

And that’s exactly what Peggy’s invention provides.

Since its release, The Breather has already helped millions enjoy their lives again.

Just imagine walking to get your mail, climbing the bleachers at the hometown baseball game, and browsing through grocery aisles… without the constant, nagging fear of suffocation. That’s what Peggy wants – and now she can finally offer it to you with The Breather.
Why is The Breather so effective in helping people with lung conditions improve their breathing?
Over time, regular use of the RMT technique has been shown to increase the strength of your body’s breathing muscles.

Think of it as a workout for your respiratory system, helping it become stronger and more effective. RMT is the workout, and The Breather is the exercise equipment you need to complete it.

The Breather’s inhale and exhale dials adjust independently of one another, allowing you to set inhale and exhale resistance levels separately using the dials — so you can train your lungs in a way that is specific to your lung strength.
Simply breathe in and out using your diaphragmatic (belly) breathing 5-10 minutes a day, and you’ll be able to take deeper fuller breaths.

Studies show that RMT provides so many excellent benefits, including:

  - Strengthens breathing muscles

  - Clearer, fuller, and deeper breathing

  - Better physical performance and stamina

  - Improved focus & reduced stress
Perhaps the most interesting feature is the ability to monitor your personal progress directly from the free Breather app, where improvements are automatically tracked and monitored. If you choose, you can even give your clinician access so they can help you reach your goals.

Plus, unlike inhalers and other breathing assistants, there are no toxins, chemicals, steroids, or pills to put into your body. Instead, you are actually retraining and strengthening your breathing muscles 100% naturally, thereby decreasing your dependence on other medications.
What about inhalers and nebulizers?
While it’s true that devices like inhalers and nebulizers have been around for ages, as many users know, they’re not perfect.

First off, inhalers are filled with steroids — while nebulizers are filled with chemicals. Over time, your body becomes reliant on them, so they only work while you’re using them.
They don't actually improve your body's ability to combat your breathing issues on its own. That’s what makes The Breather such a fascinating breakthrough — it’s designed to help you improve your own breathing, rather than relying on drugs to (temporarily) do the job for you.

Many people use their Breather along with their inhaler or nebulizer. Some even end up switching to The Breather alone after sufficient training!
Is The Breather right for you?
If you ever felt the all-too-scary feeling of choking on phlegm, gasping for air or struggling to take deep breaths, it’s time to retrain your respiratory system. The Breather might be the answer if you suffer from:

   - Parkinsons, COPD, pneumonia, and chronic bronchitis: If you have chronic breathing conditions, RMT can drastically improve your quality of life by training your lungs to take deeper, fuller breaths.

   - Children with asthma: If your child is dependent on their inhaler to run, play, or join a sports team, The Breather can help.

   - Former smokers: If a lifetime of smoking caused damage to your lungs, The Breather can help you get vital oxygen to the rest of your body.

   - Snoring and sleep apnea: Gradually increasing your resistance with RMT can help you enjoy more restful sleep. 

   - Poor posture: Posture can often worsen as you age. The Breather works to strengthen your diaphragm (your largest breathing muscle), which is attached to your spine and core muscles, thereby helping you sit upright.

   - Getting back into shape: If you want to hit the gym, you need to be able to breathe. RMT i increases your exercise capacity and performance, making it a suitable form of training for athletes.
The Breather is the #1 respiratory muscle training (RMT) device. It has helped people of all ages breathe better in just 2 weeks. By strengthening your entire respiratory system, you can decrease your dependence on pills and inhalers while enjoying deeper, fuller breaths.

No one should have to live with the constant fear of wheezing or gasping for breaths.
"  The Number 1 Respiratory Health Device In  🇺🇸"
Average Rating: 4.5/5 - ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
Join 1.5 million People Using The Breather To Breathe Better
UPDATE! There Are Only A Few LAST UNITS Remaining!
Big news! After receiving an overwhelming response for this article, The Breather is offering a one-time discount to readers like you to celebrate the Holidays!

Right now, you can visit their website here to receive the Buy 2, Get 1 FREE discount and save up to 50% on The Breather. From our research, these devices are in VERY high demand lately and rarely go on sale! So make sure you secure your holiday discount today!

You’re just two weeks away from taking deeper, fuller breaths. Get The Breather now to help transform your breathing, sleep, exercise, and daily life. Click the button below to secure your special holiday discount!
HURRY! Your 50% OFF Holiday Discount Ends In:
Start Improving Your Breathing Now
Now that you've been informed about this groundbreaking device, let me show you how easy it is to use them. All you need to do is to follow these 3 steps:
  • Step 1: Order your Himalayan Salt Inhaler today to take advantage of the 50% OFF sale.
  •  Step 2: Upon receiving your Himalayan Salt Inhaler, breathe into it for 20 minutes a day.
  •  Step 3: Enjoy continued relief and less restricted breathing by using this device daily!
Here's a tip: Know someone who suffers from COPD, Asthma or other breathing conditions? These Himalayan Salt Inhalers make the perfect gift and will save who ever receives them lots of discomfort and time.
NOTE: Due to the extremely high-demand for these Himalayan Salt Inhalers, there are very limited amount that are at this 50% off one time discount.

To learn more about this special offer, click on the button below. 
Here’s What People Are Saying:

Nancy, 57 

"I quit smoking 8 years ago (after smoking for 35 years). Unfortunately I’m left with a chronic “productive” cough.

I just became aware of Salt Inhalers recently and thought I’d give it a try.
AMAZING! After using it for 2 days my coughing was reduced by about 80%! I’m using it as recommended, 20-minute sessions 3 times a day.
I was so impressed I bought 3 more for friends and family.
I highly recommend it!"

Jandlsmith, 59 

I don't usually write reviews, but I am obsessed with this thing. I was hugely skeptical when I bought the inhaler, but hoped that it might help with my seasonal allergies. I have to admit that I have been blown away by the fact that this not only works, but it works amazingly well and fast! 

There have been several nights where I have woken up to itchy eyes, a stuffed up nose, a sore throat, and congestion, and after breathing through the inhaler for a couple of minutes I can breathe normally. It has always continued to improve afterward too, and usually within 20 minutes or so after using the inhaler I have felt 100% better. This thing is incredible and so worth using if you suffer from allergies like I do.

Laura L. R, 63 

"I suffered for 20+ years with a chronic cough which originated from deep within my lungs, countless sinus infections which often progressed to bronchitis and sometimes pneumonia, and constant sinus drainage.

Despite seeing multiple doctors, using countless prescription and over the counter medications, and using the Neti pot, nothing would give me any relief. My ribs hurt from coughing, my vocal cords show a type of scarring, and, the constant coughing was irritating to those around me. I was desperate for a cure.

I ordered the Himalayan Salt Inhaler as a last resort. It arrived promptly and I couldn’t wait to try it out. The inhaler fits easily in my hand, is easy to use, and came with a 3 month supply of Himalayan rock salt. Within 2 days of use, both the cough and the sinus drainage were gone! I continue to use it for 30 minutes a day, especially during cold season, primarily for preventive maintenance. I couldn’t be happier with the results!"
Here's Why 1.5 Million+ Customers LOVE The Breather!
Average Rating: 4.5 / 5 ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
UPDATE! There Are Only A Few LAST UNITS Remaining 
HURRY! Your 50% OFF Holiday Discount Ends In:
Start Improving Your Breathing Now
Now that you've been informed about this groundbreaking device, let me show you how easy it is to use them. All you need to do is to follow these 3 steps:
  • Step 1: Order your Himalayan Salt Inhaler today to take advantage of the 50% OFF sale.
  •  Step 2: Upon receiving your Himalayan Salt Inhaler, breathe into it for 20 minutes a day.
  •  Step 3: Enjoy continued relief and less restricted breathing by using this device daily!
Here's a tip: Know someone who suffers from COPD, Asthma or other breathing conditions? These Himalayan Salt Inhalers make the perfect gift and will save who ever receives them lots of discomfort and time.
NOTE: Due to the extremely high-demand for these Himalayan Salt Inhalers, there are very limited amount that are at this 50% off one time discount.

To learn more about this special offer, click on the button below. 
Here’s What People Are Saying:

Nancy, 57 

"I quit smoking 8 years ago (after smoking for 35 years). Unfortunately I’m left with a chronic “productive” cough.

I just became aware of Salt Inhalers recently and thought I’d give it a try.
AMAZING! After using it for 2 days my coughing was reduced by about 80%! I’m using it as recommended, 20-minute sessions 3 times a day.
I was so impressed I bought 3 more for friends and family.
I highly recommend it!"

Jandlsmith, 59 

I don't usually write reviews, but I am obsessed with this thing. I was hugely skeptical when I bought the inhaler, but hoped that it might help with my seasonal allergies. I have to admit that I have been blown away by the fact that this not only works, but it works amazingly well and fast! 

There have been several nights where I have woken up to itchy eyes, a stuffed up nose, a sore throat, and congestion, and after breathing through the inhaler for a couple of minutes I can breathe normally. It has always continued to improve afterward too, and usually within 20 minutes or so after using the inhaler I have felt 100% better. This thing is incredible and so worth using if you suffer from allergies like I do.

Laura L. R, 63 

"I suffered for 20+ years with a chronic cough which originated from deep within my lungs, countless sinus infections which often progressed to bronchitis and sometimes pneumonia, and constant sinus drainage.

Despite seeing multiple doctors, using countless prescription and over the counter medications, and using the Neti pot, nothing would give me any relief. My ribs hurt from coughing, my vocal cords show a type of scarring, and, the constant coughing was irritating to those around me. I was desperate for a cure.

I ordered the Himalayan Salt Inhaler as a last resort. It arrived promptly and I couldn’t wait to try it out. The inhaler fits easily in my hand, is easy to use, and came with a 3 month supply of Himalayan rock salt. Within 2 days of use, both the cough and the sinus drainage were gone! I continue to use it for 30 minutes a day, especially during cold season, primarily for preventive maintenance. I couldn’t be happier with the results!"
Here's Why 1.5 Million+ Customers LOVE The Breather!
Average Rating: 4.5 / 5 ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
UPDATE! There Are Only A Few LAST Units Remaining For Guaranteed Delivery Before Christmas! 🎅⏳
There Are Only A Few LAST UNITS Remaining! 🎊⏳
HURRY! Your 50% OFF Holiday Savings Ends In:

Frequently Asked Questions

How long does shipping take?
Shipping to an address within the USA takes 3-5 days. The breather currently does NOT ship outside of the United States!
Does The Breather really work?
Yes! The Breather has helped over 1.5 million people reach their peak breathing potential, strengthen their heart and lungs, and improve their quality of life without prescription medications.

Hundreds of studies back the effectiveness of The Breather’s respiratory muscle training (RMT), which helps relieve symptoms from Asthma, Atelectasis, Bronchiectasis, Emphysema, COPD, Bronchitis, and more. 

The Breather has been scientifically engineered alongside doctors and health scientists from around the world. The result is the world’s most effective RMT device — featuring a medical-grade design that’s FDA Registered and 100% safe (no prescription required!).
How long does it take to see results?
With proper diaphragmatic (belly) breathing, my customers begin to experience a measurable Quality of Life improvement in as little as 2 – 4 weeks. 
However, some customers report experiencing some benefits in just a few days. 

We recommend you train daily between 5-10 minutes per day to feel a range of improvements in all facets of your life, from how you feel mentally to how you feel physically. 

There’s a reason our average rating is 4.7-stars from over 1,500,000 customers worldwide – it’s because The Breather really does work.
How often do I need to use The Breather
Just 5-10 minutes of diaphragmatic (belly) breathing per day is all you need to get the maximum benefit from The Breather. 

Once it becomes part of your daily routine, it will not feel like exercise but more like a relaxation session. 

Should you start using The Breather again after a break, for example during illness, we recommend testing to refine your appropriate resistance level. 

You might have to lower the resistance until your respiratory muscles have gained strength again.
Can kids use The Breather?
Yes! Using The Breather is so easy, anyone can do it. 

Both children as young as 8 and adults up to 100 years old can benefit from performing respiratory muscle training using a device like The Breather. 

The appropriate age to begin using The Breather is primarily based on mental maturities, such as the ability to follow breathing instructions and understand the proper technique. 

The fact that it's all-natural makes it perfect for kids with conditions such as Asthma, pneumonia, & more.

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Medical Disclaimer:  The content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or another qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on this website.


This website is an advertising marketplace for companies that provide consumers with products and services. This website is an advertisement and not a news publication. All persons depicted on this site are models. The owner does not recommend or endorse any specific company. Terms, conditions, and exclusions may apply. Representations regarding the efficacy and safety of The Breather have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. The FDA only evaluates foods and drugs, not supplements like these products. These products are not intended to diagnose, prevent, treat, or cure any disease. This information does not constitute medical advice and should not be relied upon as such. Consult with your doctor before modifying your regular medical regime.


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